Monday, 15 October 2012

What makes a hotel brilliant?

This is an interesting question and we have started interacting on a number of fronts as we ask people the same question.

We are filming and asking this question on our facebook site inviting everyone and anyone who might be able to give us their take on that elusive quality that separates good from great.

My thoughts are as follows:

I don't really know what makes a hotel brilliant, but I'm sure I know what makes Soar Mill Cove special.

We use a technique which can seem tolook like rocket science by those that don’t quite get it
- We listen!

We listen to the whole team and to us that means everyone.

It all comes down to Tender Loving Care

Then we don’t get too scared of having an opinion, after all we are not The Holiday Inn, we will never be everything to everyone.

Having great facilities, caring staff who work as a team, an amazing location with views to take your breathe away and really good food are undoubtedly hugely important. But and its a big but it all comes down to how we bind it all together and never ever stop trying to make it even better.

We strive to give all of our guests the very best holiday possible we enjoy the theatre of it all and we deliver "WOW" factors in what we do

This bit we do with great gusto

The rest we do with quiet and humble TLC

Location is great and for Kirsty and Phil it’s the only title

but in my industry its SERVICE, SERVICE, SERVICE

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