Monday, 16 January 2012

Cycling with the natural resources on our doorstep

My wife, Jenny, my lad Matt and our friends the Dwyer's enjoyed a great day out cycling the trails of Haldon Forest this Sunday.

What a great natural resource that has been so enhanced.

The lads went all guys blazing through the Advanced crazy course while we took the Moderate one, which proved to be a great balance of challenging mixed terrain and thrills without the spills. Young Matt complains that this morning his posterior is aching and Jenny is in the process of crawling out of bed.

Everyone enjoyed it but I tend to think it might not appeal to all my clan as a weekly past time and I think it is going to be grouped with a family opinion of "not another one of dads great ideas". I think the picture says it all really!

The only downside of the day was finding the fab cafe that we were so looking forward to visiting was shut, awaiting a new tenant. Only food offering was a burger bar, so the lads been lads chose not to resist its charmed as they munched their way through bacon butties and us oldies opted for a more yummy lunch at Turtley Corn Mill on the way home. Oh yes, and guess what, the lads managed a full meal here as well. Well they are growing teenagers!

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