In this period of Credit Crunch offering good value has never been more important. But good value means just that, value in everything you do, what it does not mean is cut portions and lower standards for the sake of been cheap.
Value is offering a fair product for a fair price.
We have invested in the fabric of the building, constantly updating to ensure quality is at the key. If you buy quality and stick with good taste you will always do well and there is always a market for quality, it may just be that people are not prepared to pay more than is fair.
I believe in looking at what you do best and concentrating on that, so we reinvest in all that is important but make sure no money is wasted elsewhere. Hard times mean time to train your staff and make sure everything is well maintained. It’s not time to guild the Lilly or to think that good is good enough. Our team never aim to be “best” instead we all try to be “better”. I wouldn’t want to think of us ever as best, as that would lead to complacency, with aiming to always be better we will never rest on our laurels.
At Soar Mill Cove Hotel we have just won The South Devon Awards for Excellence under “Best Customer Service”. It’s a lovely acknowledgement of our teams hard work and its great for moral, but lets face it, this is just a snapshot of what our guys do and now it spurs us on to be better and win national recognition for all the team.
Good value means letting you pay for what you want, not imposing what we think you should have, so if you want dinner on Monday but not on Tuesday then that’s fine, after all you’re the boss, not me!